Copyright Information

Commercial use of Sentient Cement tunes and images is prohibited without permission.  If you do want to use something, just ask us. Very likely we'd be into it.

Sentient Cement music is released under CD Baby terms and conditions including applicable sync licensing.

JC&Timmy, JC Solo, and Timmy Solo material inherit terms and conditions of the platforms they appear on including both live and edited material. (BitChute, Rumble, YouNow, YouTube, Twitch, etc)

Some creative commons and public domain images are also used and always credited.  If you're an owner of a featured image, contact jc @ if you have questions, comments or curses.

Sentient Cement (JC,Timmy and Dave) do not claim copyright ownership of songs we play written by others.  Incidental third party IP is played and published under fair use as commentary, critique, and sincerest form of flattery.



Navigation:  Meet The Band - Curing Mixes - Raw Clinker - Slump Grist - JC Setlist - Tunelist - Copyright

